What in the heck is family first on about ?
Because its only new, its natural that many sensible thinking people are suspicious. We were going to stand as independants. We were and still are cautious about "the party lines" . We joined because we trust some leaders in FF and their concern for commonly held values: We welcome that they will oppose the extreme green agendas and bring common practical sense and less noise driven and quick fix household decisionmaking . Truth in government issue should be more than just talk; Open conversation can bring decisions back to negiotations in everybodies long term interests --the critical sustainability agendasin this country.
Too churchy for you? There are unthinking,narrow minded, predjudiced individuals in any party - apart from your very own, of course . I suggest every party is like a church- agreed rules and general limits on discussion.
There is no choice other than a group - so lets be realistic
You can't avoid the limits of "a party" or "a family" if you want the fun/ stress of going somewhere together .
That, I think, means that FF too stands against the go nowhere reactionary cults of individualism in our culture A culture that works against families and the glue that keeps them the way we would mostly all rather they be. ( our view at least)
If you are still not sure about who you might be voting for here( the most important question - more important than the party!)look up a few more candidates on the website - they are an impressive list of community minded people ( and thay are not all AOG and... not all their preferences go to one party, so how can they be right wing? )
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