Saturday, September 25, 2004

This is me  Posted by Hello

Friday, September 24, 2004

Are all Modras related ?

Yes ,and quite closely . The only Modras we know of come from Australia. The original emigrant Matthias who came from Lusatia to SA seemed to leave no trace. Guess when the family reunion of this 1850's emigrant is sheduled for?

What in the heck is family first on about ?

Because its only new, its natural that many sensible thinking people are suspicious. We were going to stand as independants. We were and still are cautious about "the party lines" . We joined because we trust some leaders in FF and their concern for commonly held values: We welcome that they will oppose the extreme green agendas and bring common practical sense and less noise driven and quick fix household decisionmaking . Truth in government issue should be more than just talk; Open conversation can bring decisions back to negiotations in everybodies long term interests --the critical sustainability agendasin this country.

Too churchy for you? There are unthinking,narrow minded, predjudiced individuals in any party - apart from your very own, of course . I suggest every party is like a church- agreed rules and general limits on discussion.

There is no choice other than a group - so lets be realistic
You can't avoid the limits of "a party" or "a family" if you want the fun/ stress of going somewhere together .
That, I think, means that FF too stands against the go nowhere reactionary cults of individualism in our culture A culture that works against families and the glue that keeps them the way we would mostly all rather they be. ( our view at least)

If you are still not sure about who you might be voting for here( the most important question - more important than the party!)look up a few more candidates on the website - they are an impressive list of community minded people ( and thay are not all AOG and... not all their preferences go to one party, so how can they be right wing? )

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Diary dates Bellarine /Colac

Chris will launch --2pm this Sunday at Barwon Heads bridge . Bookmark this site now Come along to Meet the candidate forums on the 30th at Kardinia Heights Centre: Victorian Farmers Federation Forum on 1st in Colac .

Follow the greens -where?

Daryl McClure ( Geelong Advertiser Monday 13 )has written an excellent overview of what so many people experience when trying to implement green parties ideas. I am not against the greens. Infact we welcome rigourous conservation debate and big picture review by the very people mentioned .
But Daryls very point is clear - a long as they are practical, realistic and unchanging in their agendas about complex issues and do not get their way by changing their way.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

The most commonly asked questions so far ?

What are Family First on about and where are their policies?

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Colac foreshore program

Lunch from 12. Official launch 1:00pm Lake Colac Foreshore Rotunda